About C2UExpo
The C2UExpo is an international conference that showcases how community-campus partnerships are addressing global and local challenges. It will feature activities such as interactive workshops, panels, symposia, field trips, and networking events.
The theme for the 2025 conference, "Partners in Place," invites delegates to reflect on the power of place-based insights, ethics, and approaches for developing meaningful and impactful partnerships. Together, we will explore our reciprocal connections to the land and to one another.
Researchers, practitioners, students, industry professionals, and community members are all welcome to attend.
About CBRCanada

Community Based Research Canada (CBRCanada) is a national champion and facilitator of community-based research excellence, a research approach addressing challenging societal problems. Community-based research is defined as "A research approach that involves active participation of stakeholders, those whose lives are affected by the issue being studied, in all phases of research for the purpose of producing useful results to make positive changes." (Nelson, Ochocka, Griffin & Lord, 1998, p.12) This is a means of ensuring the research being done is relevant to members of the affected community, community members & researchers are equally involved in the process of the research, and that the research results in an outcome that is useful to community members in making positive social change.
Founded in 2008, CBRCanada is a national non-profit organization. Their membership is comprised of universities, colleges, research institutes, community organizations and community-based researchers. CBRCanada stands in solidarity with Indigenous peoples, and is committed to upholding and working to advance the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
For more information on CBRCanada's activites and how to get involved, visit CBRCanada's website.
Article Cited: Nelson, G., Ochocka, J., Griffin, K., & Lord, J. (1998). "Nothing about me, without me": Participatory action research with self-help/mutual aid organizations for psychiatric consumer/survivors. American Journal of Community Psychology, 26, 881-912.

Host Institution
Founded in 1971, MacEwan University inspires its students with a powerful combination of academic excellence and personal learning experiences.
Offering more than 90 programs including undergraduate degrees, applied degrees, diplomas, certificates, continuing education and corporate training, the university provides a transformative education in a creative, collaborative and supportive learning environment where creativity and innovation thrive.
Underpinning MacEwan’s Strategic Vision Teaching Greatness is a commitment to community, expressed as Honouring our Place in O-day'min (Edmonton’s Municipal Ward 5). Notably, this commitment does not comprise one of our five standalone strategic directions, but rather is conceptualized as a means through which we bring all of our key directions to life.
Honouring our Place in O-day'min informs the choices we make by infusing a commitment to community through consideration of: Indigeneity & reconciliation; sustainability; equity, diversity and inclusion; innovation and entrepreneurship; and connections, partnerships and places.
MacEwan’s institutional commitment to community is further demonstrated
within our Tactical Plan for Scholarship. In this plan, we outline three goals, the third of which is:
‘Utilizing scholarship to increase meaningful engagement with communities’.